Source code for surveysim.nightops

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Simulate one night of observing.

import numpy as np

import desiutil.log

import desisurvey.utils
import desisurvey.etc
import desisurvey.plots

[docs]def simulate_night(night, scheduler, stats, explist, weather, use_twilight=False, update_interval=10., plot=False, verbose=False): """Simulate one night of observing. Uses the online tile scheduler and exposure time calculator. Parameters ---------- night : Date that the simulated night starts. scheduler : :class:`desisurvey.scheduler.Scheduler` Next tile scheduler to use. stats : :class:`surveysim.stats.SurveyStatistics` Object for accumulating simulated survey statistics. explist : :class:`surveysim.exposures.ExposureList` Object for recording simulated exposures. weather : :class:`` Simulated weather conditions to use. use_twlight : bool Observe during twilight when True. update_interval : float Interval in seconds for simulated ETC updates. plot : bool Generate a plot summarizing the simulated night when True. verbose : bool Produce verbose output on simulation progress when True. """ log = desiutil.log.get_logger() update_interval_days = update_interval / 86400. night = desisurvey.utils.get_date(night) nightstats = stats.get_night(night) label = str(night) # Lookup this night's sunset and sunrise MJD values. night_ephem = scheduler.ephem.get_night(night) night_programs, night_changes = scheduler.ephem.get_night_program(night) if use_twilight: begin = night_ephem['brightdusk'] end = night_ephem['brightdawn'] else: begin = night_ephem['dusk'] end = night_ephem['dawn'] nightstats['tsched'] = end - begin log.debug('Simulating observing on {} from MJD {:.5f} - {:.5f}.' .format(night, begin, end)) config = desisurvey.config.Configuration() # Find weather time steps that cover this night. weather_mjd = weather._table['mjd'].data ilo = np.searchsorted(weather_mjd, begin, side='left') - 1 ihi = np.searchsorted(weather_mjd, end, side='right') + 2 assert weather_mjd[ilo] < begin and weather_mjd[ihi] > end weather_mjd = weather_mjd[ilo:ihi] seeing = weather._table['seeing'].data[ilo:ihi] transp = weather._table['transparency'].data[ilo:ihi] # Fix this in the weather generator instead? transp = np.maximum(0.1, transp) dome = weather._table['open'].data[ilo:ihi] if not np.any(dome): log.debug('Dome closed all night.') return scheduler.init_night(night, use_twilight=use_twilight) ETC = desisurvey.etc.ExposureTimeCalculator(save_history=plot) nexp_last = explist.nexp # Build linear interpolators for observing conditions. # This implementation is faster than scipy.interpolate.interp1d() # when mjd values are gradually increasing. weather_idx = 0 dmjd_weather = weather_mjd[1] - weather_mjd[0] def get_weather(mjd): nonlocal weather_idx, night_changes, night_programs, config while mjd >= weather_mjd[weather_idx + 1]: weather_idx += 1 s = (mjd - weather_mjd[weather_idx]) / dmjd_weather cond_ind = np.interp(mjd, night_changes, np.arange(len(night_changes))) if (cond_ind < 0) or (cond_ind >= len(night_programs)): cond = 'BRIGHT' else: cond = night_programs[int(np.floor(cond_ind))] sky = getattr(config.conditions, cond).moon_up_factor() return ( seeing[weather_idx] * (1 - s) + seeing[weather_idx + 1] * s, transp[weather_idx] * (1 - s) + transp[weather_idx + 1] * s, sky) # Define time intervals to use in units of days (move to config?) NO_TILE_AVAIL_DELAY = 30. / 86400. # Step through the night. dome_is_open = False mjd_now = weather_mjd[0] if mjd_now < begin: mjd_now = begin completed_last = scheduler.plan.obsend_by_program() current_ra = None current_dec = None while mjd_now < end: if not dome_is_open: current_ra = current_dec = None # Advance to the next dome opening, if any. idx_now = np.searchsorted(weather_mjd, mjd_now, side='left') if not np.any(dome[idx_now:]): # Dome is closed for the rest of the night. mjd_now = end break idx_open = idx_now + np.argmax(dome[idx_now:]) assert dome[idx_open] and (idx_open == 0 or not dome[idx_open - 1] or mjd_now == begin) mjd_now = weather_mjd[idx_open] if mjd_now >= end: # The next dome opening is after the end of the night. # This can happen if we are not using twilight. break # Find the next closing. if np.all(dome[idx_open:]): next_dome_closing = end else: idx_close = idx_open + np.argmin(dome[idx_open:]) assert not dome[idx_close] and dome[idx_close - 1] next_dome_closing = min(end, weather_mjd[idx_close]) dome_is_open = True weather_idx = idx_open # == NEXT TILE =========================================================== # Dome is open from mjd_now to next_dome_closing. mjd_last = mjd_now tdead = 0. # Get the current observing conditions. seeing_tile, transp_tile, sky_tile = get_weather(mjd_now) # Get the next tile to observe from the scheduler. tileid, passnum, snr2frac_start, exposure_factor, airmass, sched_program, mjd_program_end = \ scheduler.next_tile( mjd_now, ETC, seeing_tile, transp_tile, sky_tile, current_ra=current_ra, current_dec=current_dec) if tileid is None: # Deadtime while we delay and try again. mjd_now += NO_TILE_AVAIL_DELAY if mjd_now >= next_dome_closing: # Dome closed during deadtime. mjd_now = next_dome_closing dome_is_open = False tdead += mjd_now - mjd_last current_ra = current_dec = None else: idx = scheduler.tiles.index(tileid) tileprogram = scheduler.tiles.tileprogram[idx] programnum = scheduler.tiles.program_index[tileprogram] current_ra = scheduler.tiles.tileRA[idx] current_dec = scheduler.tiles.tileDEC[idx] # Setup for a new field. mjd_now += ETC.NEW_FIELD_SETUP # slew time goes here if mjd_now >= next_dome_closing: # Setup interrupted by dome closing. mjd_now = next_dome_closing dome_is_open = False # Record an aborted setup. nightstats['nsetup_abort'][programnum] += 1 else: # Record a completed setup. nightstats['nsetup'][programnum] += 1 # Charge this as setup time whether or not it was aborted. nightstats['tsetup'][programnum] += mjd_now - mjd_last if dome_is_open: # Lookup the program of the next tile, which might be # different from the scheduled program in ``sched_program``. # Loop over repeated exposures of the same tile. continue_this_tile = True while continue_this_tile: # -- NEXT EXPOSURE --------------------------------------------------- # Use the ETC to control the shutter. mjd_open_shutter = mjd_now ETC.start(mjd_now, tileid, tileprogram, snr2frac_start, exposure_factor, seeing_tile, transp_tile, sky_tile) integrating = True while integrating: mjd_now += update_interval_days if mjd_now >= next_dome_closing: # Current exposure is interrupted by dome closing. mjd_now = next_dome_closing dome_is_open = False integrating = False continue_this_tile = False elif mjd_now >= mjd_program_end: # Current exposure is interrupted by a program change. mjd_now = mjd_program_end integrating = False continue_this_tile = False # Get the current observing conditions. seeing_now, transp_now, sky_now = get_weather(mjd_now) # Update the SNR. if not ETC.update(mjd_now, seeing_now, transp_now, sky_now): # Current exposure reached its target SNR according to the ETC. integrating = False # stop() will return False if this is a cosmic split and # more integration is still required. if ETC.stop(mjd_now): continue_this_tile = False # Record this exposure assert np.allclose(ETC.exptime, mjd_now - mjd_open_shutter) nightstats['tscience'][programnum] += ETC.exptime nightstats['nexp'][programnum] += 1 explist.add( mjd_now - ETC.exptime, 86400 * ETC.exptime, tileid, ETC.snr2frac, ETC.snr2frac - snr2frac_start, airmass, seeing_now, transp_now, sky_now) scheduler.update_snr(tileid, ETC.snr2frac) # All done if we have observed all tiles. if scheduler.plan.survey_completed(): break if continue_this_tile: # Prepare for the next exposure of the same tile. snr2frac_start = ETC.snr2frac mjd_split_start = mjd_now mjd_now += ETC.SAME_FIELD_SETUP if mjd_now >= next_dome_closing: # Setup for next exposure of same tile interrupted by dome closing. mjd_now = next_dome_closing dome_is_open = False continue_this_tile = False # Record an aborted split. nightstats['nsplit_abort'][programnum] += 1 else: # Record a completed split. nightstats['nsplit'][programnum] += 1 # Charge this as split time, whether or not is was aborted. nightstats['tsplit'][programnum] += mjd_now - mjd_split_start # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Update statistics for the scheduled program (which might be different from # the program of the tile we just observed). if scheduler.tiles.nogray: sched_program = ('DARK' if sched_program == 'GRAY' else sched_program) pidx = scheduler.tiles.program_index[sched_program] nightstats['tdead'][pidx] += tdead nightstats['topen'][pidx] += mjd_now - mjd_last # ======================================================================== # Save the number of tiles completed per program in the nightly statistics. nightstats['completed'][:] = ( scheduler.plan.obsend_by_program() - completed_last) if plot: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(15, 10), sharex=True) ax = axes[0] ax.plot(weather_mjd, seeing, 'r-', label='Seeing') ax.plot([], [], 'b-', label='Transparency') ax.legend(ncol=2, loc='lower center') ax.set_ylabel('Seeing FWHM [arcsec]') rhs = ax.twinx() rhs.plot(weather_mjd, transp, 'b-') rhs.set_ylabel('Transparency') ax = axes[1] changes = np.where(np.abs(np.diff(dome)) == 1)[0] for idx in changes: ax.axvline(weather_mjd[idx + 1], ls='-', c='r') mjd_history = np.array(ETC.history['mjd']) snr2frac_history = np.array(ETC.history['snr2frac']) for expinfo in explist._exposures[nexp_last: explist.nexp]: program = scheduler.tiles.tileprogram[scheduler.tiles.index(expinfo['TILEID'])] color = desisurvey.plots.program_color[program] t1 = expinfo['MJD'] t2 = t1 + expinfo['EXPTIME'] / 86400 sel = (mjd_history >= t1) & (mjd_history <= t2) ax.fill_between(mjd_history[sel], snr2frac_history[sel], color=color, alpha=0.5, lw=0) for t in scheduler.night_changes: ax.axvline(t, c='b', ls=':') ax.set_xlim(weather_mjd[0], weather_mjd[-1]) ax.set_xlabel('MJD During {}'.format(label)) ax.set_ylim(0, 1) ax.set_ylabel('Integrated SNR2 Fraction')