Source code for surveysim.stats

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Record simulated nightly statistics by program.

import numpy as np


import desiutil.log

import desisurvey.config
import desisurvey.utils
import desisurvey.tiles
import desisurvey.plots

[docs]class SurveyStatistics(object): """Collect nightly statistics by program. Parameters ---------- start_date : or None Record statistics for a survey that starts on the evening of this date. Uses the configured nominal start date when None. stop_date : Record statistics for a survey that stops on the morning of this date. Uses the configured nominal stop date when None. restore : str or None Restore internal state from the snapshot saved to this filename, or initialize a new object when None. Use :meth:`save` to save a snapshot to be restored later. Filename is relative to the configured output path unless an absolute path is provided. """ def __init__(self, start_date=None, stop_date=None, restore=None): self.tiles = desisurvey.tiles.Tiles() config = desisurvey.config.Configuration() if start_date is None: self.start_date = config.first_day() else: self.start_date = desisurvey.utils.get_date(start_date) if stop_date is None: self.stop_date = config.last_day() else: self.stop_date = desisurvey.utils.get_date(stop_date) self.num_nights = (self.stop_date - self.start_date).days if self.num_nights <= 0: raise ValueError('Expected start_date < stop_date.') # Build our internal array. dtype = [] for name in ('MJD', 'tsched'): dtype.append((name, np.float)) nprograms = len(self.tiles.programs) for name in ('topen', 'tdead'): dtype.append((name, np.float, (nprograms,))) for name in ('tscience', 'tsetup', 'tsplit'): dtype.append((name, np.float, (nprograms,))) for name in ('completed', 'nexp', 'nsetup', 'nsplit', 'nsetup_abort', 'nsplit_abort'): dtype.append((name, np.int32, (nprograms,))) self._data = np.zeros(self.num_nights, dtype) if restore is not None: # Restore array contents from a FITS file. fullname = config.get_path(restore) with, memmap=None) as hdus: header = hdus[1].header comment = header['COMMENT'] if header['TILES'] != self.tiles.tiles_file: raise ValueError('Header mismatch for TILES.') if header['START'] != self.start_date.isoformat(): raise ValueError('Header mismatch for START.') if header['STOP'] != self.stop_date.isoformat(): raise ValueError('Header mismatch for STOP.') self._data[:] = hdus['STATS'].data log = desiutil.log.get_logger()'Restored stats from {}'.format(fullname)) if comment:' Comment: "{}".'.format(comment)) else: # Initialize local-noon MJD timestamp for each night. first_noon = desisurvey.utils.local_noon_on_date(self.start_date).mjd self._data['MJD'] = first_noon + np.arange(self.num_nights)
[docs] def save(self, name='stats.fits', comment='', overwrite=True): """Save a snapshot of these statistics as a binary FITS table. The saved file size is ~800 Kb. Parameters ---------- name : str File name to write. Will be located in the configuration output path unless it is an absolute path. Pass the same name to the constructor's ``restore`` argument to restore this snapshot. comment : str Comment to include in the saved header, for documentation purposes. overwrite : bool Silently overwrite any existing file when True. """ hdus = header = header['TILES'] = self.tiles.tiles_file header['START'] = self.start_date.isoformat() header['STOP'] = self.stop_date.isoformat() header['COMMENT'] = comment header['EXTNAME'] = 'STATS' hdus.append( hdus.append(, header=header, name='STATS')) config = desisurvey.config.Configuration() fullname = config.get_path(name) hdus.writeto(fullname, overwrite=overwrite) log = desiutil.log.get_logger()'Saved stats to {}'.format(fullname)) if comment:'Saved with comment "{}".'.format(header['COMMENT']))
@property def nexp(self): return self._data['nexp'].sum() def get_night(self, night): night = desisurvey.utils.get_date(night) assert night < self.stop_date idx = (night - self.start_date).days return self._data[idx] def validate(self): D = self._data # Every exposure must be preceded by a setup or split. if not np.all(D['nexp'] == D['nsplit'] + D['nsetup']): return False # Sum live time per program over nights. tlive = (D['topen'] - D['tdead']).sum(axis=1) # Sum time spent in each state per program over nights. ttotal = (D['tsetup'] + D['tscience'] + D['tsplit']).sum(axis=1) return np.allclose(tlive, ttotal)
[docs] def summarize(self, nthday=None): """Print a tabular summary of the accumulated statistics to stdout. """ assert self.validate() D = self._data if nthday is None: daysel = slice(None) else: daysel = D['MJD'] < np.min(D['MJD']) + nthday D = D[daysel] tsched = 24 * D['tsched'].sum() topen = 24 * D['topen'].sum() tscience = 24 * D['tscience'].sum() print('Scheduled {:.3f} hr Open {:.3f}% Live {:.3f}%'.format( tsched, 100 * topen / max(1e-6, tsched), 100 * tscience / max(1e-6, topen))) print('=' * 82) print('PROG TILES NEXP SETUP ABT SPLIT ABT TEXP TSETUP TSPLIT TOPEN TDEAD') print('=' * 82) # Summarize by program. for program in self.tiles.programs: progidx = self.tiles.program_index[program] ntiles_p, ndone_p, nexp_p, nsetup_p, nsplit_p, nsetup_abort_p, nsplit_abort_p = [0] * 7 tscience_p, tsetup_p, tsplit_p = [0.] * 3 ntiles_all = 0 sel = progidx ntiles = np.sum(self.tiles.program_mask[program]) ndone = D['completed'][:, sel].sum() nexp = D['nexp'][:, sel].sum() nsetup = D['nsetup'][:, sel].sum() nsplit = D['nsplit'][:, sel].sum() nsetup_abort = D['nsetup_abort'][:, sel].sum() nsplit_abort = D['nsplit_abort'][:, sel].sum() tscience = 86400 * D['tscience'][:, sel].sum() / max(1, ndone) tsetup = 86400 * D['tsetup'][:, sel].sum() / max(1, ndone) tsplit = 86400 * D['tsplit'][:, sel].sum() / max(1, ndone) line = '{:6s} {} {:4d}/{:4d} {:5d} {:5d} {:3d} {:5d} {:3d} {:6.1f}s {:5.1f}s {:5.1f}s'.format( program, ' ', ndone, ntiles, nexp, nsetup, nsetup_abort, nsplit, nsplit_abort, tscience, tsetup, tsplit) print(line)
[docs] def plot(self, forecast=None): """Plot a summary of the survey statistics. Requires that matplotlib is installed. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt assert self.validate() D = self._data nprograms = len(self.tiles.programs) # Find the last day of the survey. last = np.argmax(np.cumsum(D['completed'].sum(axis=1))) + 1 tsetup = np.zeros((last, nprograms)) tsplit = np.zeros((last, nprograms)) ntiles = np.zeros(nprograms, int) for program in self.tiles.programs: progidx = self.tiles.program_index[program] tsetup[:, progidx] += D['tsetup'][:last, progidx] tsplit[:, progidx] += D['tsplit'][:last, progidx] ntiles[progidx] += np.sum(self.tiles.program_mask[program]) actual = np.cumsum(D['completed'], axis=0) dt = 1 + np.arange(len(D)) fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 1, sharex=True, figsize=(12, 10)) ax = axes[0] for program in self.tiles.programs: programidx = self.tiles.program_index[program] color = desisurvey.plots.program_color[program] nprogram = np.sum(self.tiles.program_mask[program]) if forecast: ax.plot(dt, 100 * forecast.program_progress[program] / nprogram, ':', c=color, lw=1) ax.plot(dt[:last], 100 * actual[:last, programidx] / nprogram, lw=3, alpha=0.5, c=color, label=program) if forecast: ax.plot([], [], 'b:', lw=1, label='forecast') ax.legend(ncol=1) ax.axvline(dt[last-1], ls='-', c='r') ax.set_ylim(0, 100) ax.set_ylabel('Completed [%]') yaxis = ax.yaxis yaxis.tick_right() yaxis.set_label_position('right') ax = axes[1] # Plot overheads by program. for program in self.tiles.programs: progidx = self.tiles.program_index[program] c = desisurvey.plots.program_color.get(program, 'purple') scale = 86400 / ntiles[progidx] # secs / tile ax.plot(dt[:last], scale * np.cumsum(tsetup[:, progidx]), '-', c=c) ax.plot(dt[:last], scale * np.cumsum(tsplit[:, progidx]), '--', c=c) ax.plot(dt[:last], scale * np.cumsum(D['tdead'][:last, progidx]), ':', c=c) if forecast: row = forecast.df.iloc[self.tiles.PROGRAM_INDEX[program]] ax.scatter([dt[-1], dt[-1], dt[-1]], [ row['Setup overhead / tile (s)'], row['Cosmic split overhead / tile (s)'], row['Operations overhead / tile (s)']], s=50, lw=0, c=c) ax.plot([], [], 'b-', label='setup') ax.plot([], [], 'b--', label='split') ax.plot([], [], 'b:', label='dead') for program in self.tiles.programs: ax.plot([], [], '-', c=desisurvey.plots.program_color[program], label=program) ax.legend(ncol=2) ax.axvline(dt[last-1], ls='-', c='r') ax.set_xlabel('Elapsed Days') ax.set_ylabel('Overhead / Tile [s]') ax.set_xlim(0, dt[-1] + 1) ax.set_ylim(0, None) yaxis = ax.yaxis yaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(10)) yaxis.tick_right() yaxis.set_label_position('right') plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.05) return fig, axes
def plot_one_night(exps, tiledata, night, startdate, center_l=180): import ephem from astropy import units as u from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord, search_around_sky from matplotlib import pyplot as p startmjd = int(desisurvey.utils.local_noon_on_date( desisurvey.utils.get_date(startdate)).mjd) nightnum = night - startmjd mstarted = (tiledata['PLANNED'] <= nightnum) & (tiledata['PLANNED'] >= 0) tiles = desisurvey.tiles.get_tiles() p.clf() p.subplots_adjust(hspace=0) p.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, right=0.9) programs = ['DARK', 'BRIGHT'] expindex = tiles.index(exps['TILEID']) expnight = exps['MJD'].astype('i4') m = expnight == night medianmjd = np.median(exps['MJD'][m]) mayall = ephem.Observer() config = desisurvey.config.Configuration() coord = SkyCoord(ra=tiles.tileRA*u.deg, dec=tiles.tileDEC*u.deg) mayall.lon = config.location.longitude().to(u.radian).value = config.location.latitude().to(u.radian).value = medianmjd+(2400000.5-2415020) moon = ephem.Moon() moon.compute(mayall) tile_diameter = config.tile_radius()*2 for i, prog in enumerate(programs): mprog = prog == tiles.tileprogram mprogstarted = mstarted & mprog p.subplot(len(programs), 1, i+1) ra = ((tiles.tileRA - (center_l-180)) % 360)+(center_l-180) p.plot(ra[mprog], tiles.tileDEC[mprog], '.', color='gray', markersize=1) p.plot(ra[mprogstarted], tiles.tileDEC[mprogstarted], '.', color='green', markersize=5) m = (expnight == night) & (tiles.tileprogram[expindex] == prog) p.plot(ra[expindex[m]], tiles.tileDEC[expindex[m]], 'r-+') idx1, idx2, sep2d, dist3d = search_around_sky( coord[expindex[m]], coord[expindex[m]], tile_diameter*10) mdiff = expindex[m][idx1] != expindex[m][idx2] if np.sum(mdiff) > 0: print(f'min separation {prog}: {np.min(sep2d[mdiff])}') p.gca().set_aspect('equal') p.plot(((np.degrees(moon.ra)-(center_l-180)) % 360)+(center_l-180), np.degrees(moon.dec), 'o', color='yellow', markersize=10, markeredgecolor='black')