Source code for surveysim.util

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Simulation utilities that may be used by other packages.

import numpy as np

import astropy.table

import desiutil.log

import desisurvey.utils
import desisurvey.tiles

import surveysim.exposures

[docs]def add_calibration_exposures(exposures, flats_per_night=3, arcs_per_night=3, darks_per_night=0, zeroes_per_night=0, exptime=None, readout=30.0): """Prepare a list of science exposures for desisim.wrap-newexp. Insert calibration exposures at the start of each night, and add the following columns for all exposures: EXPID, PROGRAM, NIGHT, FLAVOR. Parameters ---------- exposures : table like or :class:`surveysim.exposures.ExposureList` A table of science exposures including, at a minimum, MJD, EXPTIME and TILEID columns. The exposures must be sorted by increasing MJD. Could be a numpy recarray, an astropy table, or an ExposureList object. Columns other than the required ones are copied to the output. flats_per_night : :class:`int`, optional Add this many arc exposures per night (default 3). arcs_per_night : :class:`int`, optional Add this many arc exposures per night (default 3). darks_per_night : :class:`int`, optional Add this many dark exposures per night (default 0). zeroes_per_night : :class:`int`, optional Add this many zero exposures per night (default 0). exptime : :class:`dict`, optional A dictionary setting calibration exposure times for each calibration flavor. readout : :class:`float`, optional Set readout time for calibration exposures (default 30.0 s). Returns ------- :class:`astropy.table.Table` The output table augmented with calibration exposures and additional columns. Raises ------ ValueError If the input is not sorted by increasing MJD/timestamp. """ if isinstance(exposures, surveysim.exposures.ExposureList): exposures = exposures._exposures[:exposures.nexp] nexp = len(exposures) MJD = exposures['MJD'] if not np.all(np.diff(MJD) > 0): raise ValueError("Input is not sorted by increasing MJD!") if exptime is None: exptime = {'flat': 10.0, 'arc': 10.0, 'dark': 1000.0, 'zero': 0.0} # Define the start of night calibration sequence. calib_time = lambda x: exptime[x] + readout calib_sequence = (['arc']*arcs_per_night + ['flat']*flats_per_night + ['dark']*darks_per_night + ['zero']*zeroes_per_night) calib_times = np.cumsum(np.array([calib_time(c) for c in calib_sequence]))[::-1] # Group exposures by night. MJD0 = desisurvey.utils.local_noon_on_date(desisurvey.utils.get_date(MJD[0])).mjd night_idx = np.floor(MJD - MJD0).astype(int) nights = np.unique(night_idx) ncalib = len(calib_sequence) * len(nights) # Initialize the output table. output = astropy.table.Table() nout = nexp + ncalib output['EXPID'] = np.arange(nout, dtype=np.int32) template = astropy.table.Table(dtype=exposures.dtype) template.remove_column('EXPID') for colname in template.colnames: col = template[colname] output[colname] = astropy.table.Column(dtype=col.dtype, length=nout) output['PROGRAM'] = astropy.table.Column(dtype=(str, len('BRIGHT')), length=nout) output['NIGHT'] = astropy.table.Column(dtype=(str, len('YYYYMMDD')), length=nout) output['FLAVOR'] = astropy.table.Column(dtype=(str, len('science')), length=nout) tiles = desisurvey.tiles.get_tiles() # Moon parameters are hardcoded for now. output['MOONFRAC'] = 0.5 output['MOONALT'] = -10. output['MOONSEP'] = 90. # Loop over nights. out_idx = 0 for n in nights: sel = (night_idx == n) nsel = np.count_nonzero(sel) first = np.where(sel)[0][0] MJD_first = MJD[first] NIGHT = desisurvey.utils.get_date(MJD_first).isoformat().replace('-', '') # Append the calibration sequence. for j, c in enumerate(calib_sequence): output['MJD'][out_idx] = MJD_first - calib_times[j]/86400.0 output['EXPTIME'][out_idx] = exptime[c] output['TILEID'][out_idx] = -1 output['PROGRAM'][out_idx] = 'CALIB' output['NIGHT'][out_idx] = NIGHT output['FLAVOR'][out_idx] = c out_idx += 1 # Append the night's science exposures. outslice = slice(out_idx, out_idx + nsel) for colname in template.colnames: output[colname][outslice] = exposures[colname][sel] TILEIDs = exposures['TILEID'][sel] output['PROGRAM'][outslice] = tiles.tileprogram[tiles.index(TILEIDs)] output['NIGHT'][outslice] = NIGHT output['FLAVOR'][outslice] = 'science' out_idx += nsel assert out_idx == nout log = desiutil.log.get_logger()'Added {} nightly calibration sequences of {} exposures each to {} science exposures.' .format(len(nights), len(calib_sequence), nexp)) return output